Joint Strike Missile (UAI) Case Study

The Issue
In 2013, Universal Armament Interface (UAI) did not support important JSM weapon capabilities, which are enabled by the Platform/Store (PS) interface. As such, JSM needed to request changes to the UAI PS Interface Control Document (ICD).
Since foreign programs did not have full participation in the UAI Super Joint Interface Control Working Group (SJICWG) process due to ITAR restrictions and lack of a US government sponsorship, the JSM Program could not make this change request.
Lone Star advocated on JSM’s behalf to the Director of International Cooperation, Office of the Under-secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics (OUSD(AT&L)IC), by illustrating the great importance these changes would have on JSM’s F-35 integration efforts.
Also, Lone Star advocated this issue and worked closely with the UAI Program Office to identify a solution to resolve issues with ITAR and US Only areas of involvement.
Lone Star’s advocacy and coordination with OUSD (AT& L) IC and the UAI Program Office resulted in the US government’s sponsorship for JSM to fully participate in the UAI SJICWG process. A representative for OUSD (AT& L) IC signed the UAI Interface Control Plan on June 13, 2014, and appointed JSM UAI Interface managers from the US government and Lone Star. Lone Star’s support enabled JSM to have full, independent representation in the UAI SJICWG process, overcoming ITAR and US Only areas of interest.
For the first time in UAI’s history, a foreign program was a full UAI SJICWG participating member. JSM submitted its Request for Change (RFC) to the UAI PS ICD on April 13, 2015. These changes have been incorporated into UAI, enabling all JSM’s weapon capabilities.