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Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul Optimization Solutions

MaxUp® MRO2

Maximizing Fleet Readiness with MaxUp® MRO2, a MaxUp® Readiness Solution

The Problem:
Military Depots are confronted with the necessity of controlling rising operating and sustainment costs of aging warfare systems and legacy equipment. Unplanned delays in replacement aircraft and higher-than-projected utilization rates have forced life extensions/equipment upgrades for most military legacy aircraft. Determining how best to recapitalize the fleet while keeping aging aircraft flying longer requires detailed insight and sound risk-based assessment of the long-term capability to maximize readiness.


The Solution:
Lone Star’s award-winning solution, MaxUp® MRO2, constructs a simulation of the existing sustainment environment, enabling the evaluation of labor cost drivers, material cost drivers, and lead time relationships. The solution is designed to quickly evaluate varying courses of action to highlight improvements in product support strategies. Our solution provides the ability to perform accurate, high-quality, simulation-based decision analysis. This supports the effective management of manpower, facilities, equipment, and assets in an ad hoc, near real-time environment. MRO2 delivers actionable analysis for sound fiscal stewardship and mission accomplishment.

Tailored to Environment

  • Apply Lone Star’s exceptional knowledge base and experience in Defense Aerospace to model the client’s unique environment
  • Provides the ability to perform accurate, high-quality, simulation-based, multivariant, probabilistic decision analysis

Customized Solution

  • Customized to the challenges of major MRO sites (e.g., Depot), robust predictions which overcome flow management of unique items with different MRO needs
  • Dynamic “what if” response to changes in key constraints such as induction date, turnaround time, labor, material, funding, and capacity

Enduring Tangible Benefit

  • Improved forecasting accuracy – even facing extreme uncertainty
  • Improved workflow
  • Shorter MRO cycle time
  • Better labor utilization
  • Improved capacity foresight

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