Lifecycle Enhanced Asset Decision Software
Delivering Readiness Through Holistic Resource Analysis
The Problem:
Concurrent with maximizing readiness in today’s high-operational tempo environment, Military Aviation must control the rising operating and sustainment costs of aging aircraft and legacy equipment. Unplanned delays in replacement aircraft and higher-than-projected utilization rates have forced life extensions/equipment upgrades for most military legacy aircraft. Determining how to recapitalize the fleet while keeping aging aircraft flying requires detailed insight and sound risk-based assessment to meet mission requirements. The inability to perform accurate, simulation-based, multi-variant, probabilistic decision analysis to support effective management of assets in an ad hoc, near real-time environment endangers sound fiscal stewardship and mission accomplishment.
The Solution:
Lone Star’s award-winning solution MaxUp® LEADS, a MaxUp® Readiness Solution, provides holistic fleet inventory management solutions that analyze scheduled maintenance, capability upgrades, and operational utilization planning through the lifecycle of each asset and enable decision-making that maximizes the return on investment and readiness of each asset. MaxUp® LEADS enables cause and effect analytics, providing accurate forecasting based on client-defined what-if scenarios. The user interfaces and data consolidation functions make what-if analysis approachable, producing a comprehensive real-time view of risk and opportunity.
Tailored to Environment

- Apply Lone Star’s exceptional knowledge base and experience in Defense Aerospace to model the client’s unique environment
- Utilize client-provided historical aircraft data to produce a holistic aircraft inventory baseline
- Establish the current quantity of aircraft by production lot/block, squadron assignment, flight hours available, and capability/configuration
Client Defined Parameters

- Customized software allows the client to perform real-time “What-If” simulations
- Integrated capability to vary multiple client-defined metrics such as kit availability, upgrades planned, engineering disposition, Service Life Extensions planned, flight hours required
Enduring Tangible Benefit

- Ensure that today’s decisions ENABLE tomorrow’s readiness and do not degrade it
- Know the probability of aircraft availability and increase the likelihood of successful deployments
- Understand the cost-benefit of each aircraft upgrade/modification
and maximize the utility gained