Developing a robust, extensible analytics capability is critical to competing and succeeding. Rarely do executives and leadership push back on the idea of AI/ML initiatives. Organizations have massive amounts of data, view their data as a critical asset, and believe it is key to creating competitive differentiation and operational efficiencies.

However, deploying analytics using traditional Machine Learning and AI methods is often ineffective and slow to provide value. Organizations frequently struggle to stand up a successful analytics capability. Some would even say the efforts of implementing this vision gives them heartburn!

In Lone Star’s latest eBook, we explore some of the leading causes of analytics heartburn and prescribe some remedies.

The 5 Reasons Why Building an Analytics Capability is Giving You Heartburn eBook discusses causes such as:

  • The cost of enabling an analytics capability is daunting
  • Time to value realization is often too long
  • Resource constraints, especially personnel
  • Leadership’s strained commitment and patience with the process
  • Lack of trust in “Black Box” results

These are five common challenges that organizations face when enabling an analytics capability. If your company is experiencing any of these symptoms and needs remedies, request our free eBook to learn more:

Download the 5 Reasons Why Building an Analytics Capability is Giving You Heartburn eBook Here

While you’re here, learn more about our AnalyticsOS® no-code analytics platform that allows organizations to rapidly build, deploy, and scale an analytics capability to deliver results in days, not months or years. LEARN MORE

Also, consider reading our eBook: 5 Common Sense Steps to Deal with Dirty Data